Your manuscript has been fully edited. Your cover is ready to go. All that remains prior to publication is formatting & typesetting your manuscript to accent & perfectly display your words.

From chapter headings & scene breaks to image placement & ensuring that everything is properly set, formatting takes your words from manuscript to book.

We work with each client to create a fully-customized product in which no detail, however small, is overlooked.

Check out examples of our previous work below, as well as our pricing options & the formatting process.







please use the form at the bottom of the page to obtain a specialized quote for your manuscript

Pricing varies depending on your manuscript’s word count & whether you are looking for an eBook only or eBook & paperback.

for eBook-only formatting, Manuscripts with word counts up to 85k are charged a flat rate of $75. If your word count is between 85k-120k, we charge $100. Anything over 120k is $125.

For EBook & Paperback formatting, Manuscripts with word counts up to 85k are charged a flat rate of $500. If your word count is between 85k-120k, our fee is $750. Anything over $120k is $1000.


oNCE YOU HAVE ACCEPTED YOUR hEARTHFIRE QUOTE, we will draw up a contract & send it to you for approval & your signature. Half of the fee is due BEFORE EDITS BEGIN & can be made either via Zelle, which is our preference, or Paypal. The remaining half is due upon completion of formatting.

We will create unique chapter headings & scene breaks that perfectly suit the vibe of your manuscript & reach out to you for approval of the designs. Once you are thrilled with what we’ve come up with, we’ll move forward with fully formatting your manuscript, including inserts of any submitted images, such as maps or character art. From the front matter to your author photo, we will get everything ready for publication & deliver the final product ready to be uploaded to the distributors of your choice.


Questions? Concerns? Ready to request your quote?

Fill out the form below & we will respond within 48 hours.